Special Thanks
Digibase Operations would have not been possible without the assistance of individuals and organizations alike, we would like to thank these for their great assistance.
Financial Donors - We couldn't have done it without you!
- DaRai
- Golen
- Keiro Ituralde
- Psyaryu
- Reptaiin
- Razlo
- RingtailedFox
- SonicVaan
- Tristan Seifert
- Zak
These organizations have provided Digibase Operations either directly or indirectly of various resources, support and information, we would like to thank these organizations:
Information and access to advanced computing systems for research as to develop our X9 Computer Core

Gentoo Foundation
Providing a solid operating system platform for critical systems

Cogeco Business Solutions
Providing Connectivity (IP) services and transit

Rich Gast
Provided the typeface for our logo